Tuesday, November 1, 2011

bruised arms and legs but at least the ego's healing

Just a quick one tonight folks,
movement, spent the morning basically slamming ourselves into the floor in a relaxed manner, learning to fall is difficult only when you think about it, throw yourself down without fear and it seems to go okay, at least in class, the browning skin round my knees and elbows tells a different story but I guess thats part of it.
Oh by the way if you want to see a genius 1 man slapstick act look up Larry Grizwold comic diver on you tube, the guy is amazing.
You have to wonder where he learned it.

le Jeu,
today we worked on a burlesque exercise, i half expected Michiko to run in with pom poms and titty tassles, but oh lala my preconceptions are wrong, apparently this scene from the marx brothers night at the opera is a great example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZvugebaT6Q as is this from Laurel and Hardy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1Ek1ifTuQw&feature=related
What I understood was that Burlesque is rooted in reality with 1 thing that is abnormal, that thing gets bigger and bigger and more and more out of control.
Damn there is so much to learn.

Yesterday the lion tamer was eaten by the lion, today Monsieur Loyal says you have to eep the curtain up nfor 20 minutes.
The clown he thinks Oh lala its not easy but if I do it I will become a star.
I got up first and got to choose my partner, I chose Katie, we managed 20 seconds but, what we didn't pick up on was that the game was in the exercise. Why didn't we keep checking the clock, there is a bloody massive one in the space, duh. the annoying thing is that as Philippe was explaining the exercise I pictured myself checking my watch, but up there is a totally different matter.
Katie found some stuff which I was really glad to see.
We started off terribly but we got a second go which went just as bad but after the drum boomed a second time we fought to stay there a bit longer and we got some laughs.

I saw the fixed point in action too with Dan and Ammo today, How when 1 is moving around a lot it is so important that the other actor is still, without this the stage becomes a soup as a certtain spanish theatre teacher would say. I want steak and chips, not soup.

1 comment:

  1. So much food for thought, Mark, esp. since I am reading them all in one go. But the thing about fixed point - one has to be still if there is a lot of movement, otherwise it's soup? That's resonating directly with me, thanks. I am playing the straight person in the show and it's tough! All the chaos around me and I want to join in and play, but that's not my job! Good to have a reminder that I am still doing something even though I am not running about.
